Best books of Physical Science for B.Sc., M.Sc. and NET (Physics) pdf free download
Hello everyone, welcome in this web-post. We are going to take a brief review and introduction on many important books of Physical Science which are helpful for B.Sc. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics), NET (Physics) and other fields of Physics. We researched and studied various type of books on physical science and after that we have selected some important books which are very helpful in all conceptual and competitive exam of physical science.
Here, we shall read about two=2 books on each unit of physics. In this post, every book section contains some information about itself. If you want to read any book, you may purchase by clicking on purchasing button. Every book is best for your preparation. Let's start a brief discussion:
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Mathematical Method of Physics
(i) Mathematical Physics by H.K. Dass
This book is based on the syllabus of M.Sc. (Physics), NET (Physics) and Engineering. It has very easy language to understand. I recommend you to read this book for your preparation due to following features:
General Features of the Book
This book has been written according to the new revised syllabus of Mathematics of I.E.T.E. (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers) and includes topics from the syllabi of the other engineering courses.
There is not a single textbook except this which entirely covers the syllabus of I.E.T.E. and the students have all along been facing great difficulties.
Endeavour has been made to cover the syllabus exhaustively and present the subject matter in a systematic and lucid style.
More than 550 solved examples on various topics have been incorporated in the textbook for the better understanding of the students.
Most of the examples have been taken from previous question papers of I.E.T.E. which should make the students familiar with the standard and trend of questions set in the examinations.
- Partial Differentiation
- Multiple Integral
- Differential Equations
- Determinants and Matrices
- Vectors
- Complex Numbers
- Functions of a Complex Variable
- Special Functions
- Partial Differential Equations
- Statistics
- Probability
- Fourier Series
- Laplace Transformation
- Integral Transforms
- Numerical Techniques
- Numerical Method for Solution of Partial Differential Equation
- Calculus of Variations
- Tensor Analysis
- Z-transforms
- Infinite Series
- Gamma, Beta Functions, Differentiation under the Integral Sign
- Chebyshev Polynomials
- Fuzzy sets
- Hankel Transform
- Hilbert Tranform
- Empirical Laws and Curve Fitting (Method of Least Squares)
- Linear Programming
- Useful Formulae
This book should satisfy both average and brilliant students. It would help the students to get through their examination and at the same time would arouse greater intellectual curiosity in them.
(ii) Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig
This book provides a comprehensive, thorough, and up-to-date treatment of engineering mathematics. It is intended to introduce students of engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, and related fields to those areas of applied mathematics that are most relevant for solving practical problems.
General Features of the Book
- Simplicity of examples to make the book teachable—why choose complicated examples when simple ones are as instructive or even better?
- Independence of parts and blocks of chapters to provide flexibility in tailoring courses to specific needs.
- Self-contained presentation, except for a few clearly marked places where a proof would exceed the level of the book and a reference is given instead.
- Gradual increase in difficulty of material with no jumps or gaps to ensure an enjoyable teaching and learning experience.
- Modern standard notation to help students with other courses, modern books, and journals in mathematics, engineering, statistics, physics, computer science, and others.
- Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) in Chapters 1–6
- Linear Algebra. Vector Calculus. See Chapters 7–10
- Fourier Analysis. Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). See Chapters 11 and 12
- Complex Analysis in Chapters 13–18
- Numeric Analysis in Chapters 19–21
- Optimization, Graphs in Chapters 22 and 23
- Probability, Statistics in Chapters 24 and 25.
Classical Mechanics
(i) Classical Mechanics by J.C. Upadhyaya
This book deals with an advanced course on a mechanics, nemaly classical mechanics, for the students of B.S. (Honour), M.Sc. (Physics) and B.E. classes. In addition to a course book, it has been written for the candidates, struggling to qualify for competitive examinations at national and state travel such as NET, GATE, SLET, I.A.S. etc. The concepts and formulations involved in classical mechanics from the base to construct the entire building of Physics.
- Introductory Ideas (Newtonian Mechanics)
- Langrangian Dynamics
- Hamiltonian Dynamics
- Two-Body Central Force Problem
- Variational Principles
- Canonical Transformations
- Brackets and Liouville's Theorem
- Hamilton-Jacobi Theory and Transition to Quantum Mechanics
- Small Oscillation and Normal Modes
- Dynamics of Rigid Body
- Non-inertial and Rotating Coordinate Systems
- Special Theory of Relativity-Lorentz Transformation
- Relativistic Mechanics
- Four Dimensional Formulation-Minkowski Space
- Convariant Formulation of Electrodynamics
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
(ii) An Introduction to Mechanics by Kleppner & Kolenkow
Mechanics is at the heart of physics; its concepts are essential for understanding the world around us and phenomena on scales from atomic to cosmic. Concepts such as momentum, angular momentum, and energy play roles in practically every area of physics. The goal of this book is to help you acquire a deep understanding of the principles of mechanics. This book has the same features of Classical Mechanics by J.C. Upadhyay but some concepts are different.
- Vectors and Kinematics
- Newton’s Laws
- Forces and Equations of Motion
- Momentum
- Energy
- Topics in Dynamics
- Angular Momentum and Fixed Axis Rotation
- Rigid Body Motion
- Non-Inertial Systems and Fictitious Forces
- Central Force Motion
- The Harmonic Oscillator
- The Special Theory of Relativity
- Relativistic Dynamics
- Spacetime Physics
Electromagnetic Theory
(i) Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J. Griffiths
This text book will helpful in clearing concept and reading purpose but if you want to make some notes on your syllabus, you should purchase Electromagnetic Theory and Electrodynamics by Satya Prakash. This is a textbook on electricity and magnetism, designed for an undergraduate course at the junior or senior level. It can be covered comfortably in two semesters, maybe even with room to spare for special topics (AC circuits, numerical methods, plasma physics, transmission lines, antenna theory, etc).
- Vector Analysis
- Electrostatics
- Potentials
- Electric Fields in Matter
- Magnetostatics
- Magnetic Fields in Matter
- Electrodynamics
- Conservation Laws
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Potentials and Fields
- Radiation
- Electrodynamics and Relativity
- Vector Calculus in Curvilinear Coordinates
(ii) Classical Electrodynamics by J. D. Jackson
This text book also will helpful in clearing concept and reading purpose only because this book is written by foreign writer.
- Introduction to Electrostatics
- Boundary-Value Problems in Electrostatics I
- Boundary-Value Problems in Electrostatics II
- Multipoles, Electrostatics of Macroscopic of Media, Dielectrics
- Magnetostatics
- Time-Varying Fields, Maxwell's Equations, Conservation Laws
- Plane Electromagnetic Waves
- Wave Guides and Resonant Cavities
- Simple Radiating System and Diffraction
- Magnetohydrodynamics nd Plasma Physics
- Special Theory of Relativity
- Relativistic-Particle Kinematics and Dynamics
- Collision between Charged Particles, Energy loss and Scattering
- Radiation by Moving Charge
- Bremsstrahlung, Method of Virtual Quanta, Radiative Beta Process
- Multipole Fields
- Radiation Damping, Self-Field of Particle, Scattering and Absorption of Radiation by a Bound System
Note: You should read Electromagnetic Theory and Electrodynamics by Satya Prakash for easy understanding in Indian writer. This is not available in PDF format.
Quantum Mechanics
(i) Advanced Quantum Mechanics by Satya Prakash
Books on quantum mechanics can be grouped into two main categories: textbooks, where the focus is on the formalism, and purely problem-solving books, where the emphasis is on applications. The book has been written according to latest revised syllabi of all Indian University.
- Foundation of Quantum Mechanics
- Physical Applications of Schroedinger's Equation to one and three Dimensional Problems
- Spherically Symmetric System
- Linear Vector spaces and Operator
- Matrix Formulation of Quantum Mechanics and Elementary Representation Theory
- Identical Particles and Spin
- Angular Momentum and their Properties
- Time Independent Quantum Approximation Methods (Stationary perturbation Theory, Variation Method and W.K.B. Method)
- Time-Dependent Quantum Approximation Methods and Semi-Classical Theory of Radiation
- Many Electron System : Atoms and Molecules
- Quantum Theory of Scattering
- Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
- Quantisation of Fields (Second Quantisation)
- Interacting Fields and Feynman Diagrams
- Particle Physics (Informative)
(ii) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths
Newtonian mechanics is adequate for most purposes in “everyday life,” but forobjects moving at high speeds (near the speed of light) it is incorrect, and must be replaced by special relativity (introduced by Einstein in 1905); for objects that are extremely small (near the size of atoms) it fails for different reasons, and is superseded by quantum mechanics (developed by Bohr, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, and many others, in the 1920’s, mostly).
- The wave function
- Time-independent schrodinger equation
- Formalism
- Quantum mechanics in three dimensions
- Identical particles
- Time-independent perturbation theory
- The variational principle
- The wkb approximation
- Time-dependent perturbation theory
- The adiabatic approximation
- Scattering
- Afterword
- Appendix linear algebra
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
(i) Statistical Mechanics by Satya Prakash
- Concepts of Thermodynamics
- Thermodynamical Relations with Applications
- Concepts of Thermal Radiation
- Concepts of Heat Conduction
- Kinetic Theory of Gases
- Principles of Statistical Mechanics : Classical Statistics
- Method of Ensembles : Partition Functions
- Quantum Statistics
- Quantum Theory of Specific Heats
- Low Temperature Physics
- Transport Theory
- Fluctuations and Irreversible Processes
- Phase Transitions
- Index
(ii) Fundamentals of Statistical & Thermal Physics by F. Rief
- Introduction to Statistical Methods
- Statistical Description of Systems of Particles
- Statistical Thermodynamics
- Macroscopic Parameters and their Measurements
- Simple Applications of Macroscopics Thermodynamics
- Basic Methods and Results of Statistical Mechanics
- Simple Applications of Statistical mechanics
- Equilibrium between Phase or Chemical Species
- Quantum Statistics of Ideal Gas
- System of Interacting Particles
- Magnetism and Low temperature
- Elementary Kinetic Theory of Transport Process
- Transport Theory using the Relaxation time Approximation
- Near Exact Formulation of Transport Theory
- Irreversible Process and Fluctuations
- Appendix
Electronics & Experimental Methods
(i) Digital Electronics by Malvino & Leach
- Digital Principles
- Digital Logic
- Combinational Logic Circuits
- Data-Processing Circuits
- Number Systems and Codes
- Arithmetic Circuits
- Clocks and Timing Circuits
- Flip-Flops
- Registers
- Counters
- Design of Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits
- D/A Conversion and AID Conversion
- Memory
- Digital Integrated Circuits
- Applications
- A Simple Computer Design
(ii) Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory by Boylestad & Nashelsky
(iii) Electronic Devices & Circuits by Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias
(iv) Electronic Communication system by George Kennedy
- Introduction to Communication System
- Noise
- Amplitude Modulation Techniques
- Angle Modulation Techniques
- Pulse Modulation Techniques
- Digital Modulation Techniques
- Radio Transmitters and Receivers
- Television Broadcasting
- Transmission Lines
- Radiation and Propagation of Waves
- Antennas
- Waveguides, Resonators and Components
- Microwaves Tubes and Circuits
- Semiconductor Microwave Devices and Circuits
- Radar System
- Broadband Communication System
- Introduction to Optics Technology
- Information Theory, Coding and Data Communication
Atomic & Molecular Physics
(i) Atomic and Molecular Physics by Raj Kumar
- Introduction
- Bohr-Sommerfeld Theory of Hydrogen Atom
- Quantum Mechanics of hydrogen Atom : Angular Momentum and Parity
- Magnetic Dipole Moments, Electron Spin and vector atom Model
- Spin-Orbit Interaction : Hydrogen Fine Structure
- Identical Particles : Pauli's Exclusion Principle
- Helium Atom and Its Spectrum
- Multi-Electron Atoms : Hartree Field : Atomic Ground States and Periodic Table
- Spectroscopic Terms : L-S and J-J Couplings
- Spectra of Alkali Elements
- Spectra of alkaline-Earth Elements and Complex spectra
- Zeeman Effect and Paschen-Back Effect
- The Stark Effect
- Hyperfine Structural of Spectral Lines
- The Breath of Spectral Lines
- X-Ray Spectra
- Types of Molecular Spectra and Molecular Energy State
- Pure Rotational Spectra
- Vibrational-Rotational Spectra
- The Raman Spectra
- Electronic Spectra : Franck Condon Principle
- Isotope Effect on Electronic Spectra
- Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
- Classification of Molecular Electronic States
- Symmetry Properties of Rotational Level : Nuclear Spin and Intensity Alternation
- Coupling of Rotational and Electronic Motions : Types of Electronic Transitions
- Co-relation Between Atomic and Molecular States : Building-up Principle
- Molecules and Chemical Binds : The Stability of Molecular States
- Continuous and Diffuse Molecular Spectra : Dissociation and Predissociation
- Temporal And Spatial Coherences
- LASER : Einstein's Coefficient and Light Amplification
- Types of Laser : Characteristics and Application of Laser
(ii) Introduction to Atomic Spectra by Harvey Elliott White
Condensed Matter Physics
(i) Solid State Physics by R.K. Puri & Babber
- Crystal Structure
- X-Ray Diffraction and Reciprocal Lattice
- Bonding in Solids
- Lattice Vibrations
- Free Electron Theory of Metals
- Band Theory of Solids
- Semiconductors
- magnetism in Solids
- Dielectric Properties of Solids
- Superconductivity
(ii) Solid State Physics by N. W. Aschcroft & Mermin
(iii) Solid State Physics by A. J. Dekker
Nuclear and Particle Physics
(i) Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics by V. K. Mittal
This comprehensive textbook is the outcome of wide teaching and research experience of the authors. It is designed for B.Sc. (Physics) students of Indian universities. It can also be used as an introductory review material at Masters level. This well-organized and concise text discusses in detail the principles and applications of nuclear and particle physics explaining the latest developments. The text assumes knowledge of the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics, electricity, magnetism and modern physics.
The discussion on the topics is simple and lucid avoiding complicated mathematical derivations. Actual data, graphs and figures are displayed to elaborate clarification of the topics. A variety of solved and unsolved numerical problems are included topic-wise to enhance the student’s understanding of the subject. The book also contains short and long answer type questions, which are taken from various examinations of Indian universities.
Feature of this Book
- The book has been divided into nine chapters. Chapter 1 deals with the basic concepts and definitions.
- Chapter 2 discusses nuclear models including liquid drop model, shell model, and fermi gas model.
- Chapter 3 covers the phenomenon of radioactivity, laws of disintegration and applications of radioactivity.
- Chapter 4 presents nuclear reactions. It covers various types of reactions including reactions occurring in sun and stars.
- Chapter 5 emphasizes the interaction of radiations with matter and covers photoelectric effects, Compton effect and pair production.
- In Chapter 6, particle accelerators are discussed.
- In Chapter 7, different types of radiation detectors are explained.
- Chapter 8 introduces the elementary particles and their interactions in detail. This chapter is capped with the latest advances. Since it is a very active and frontier area of research, it will help the reader to get a bird’s eye view of the latest developments. This chapter also provides new terms and concepts.
- The final chapter deals with cosmic rays mainly due to historical reasons.
- The Nucleus
- Nuclear Models
- Radioactivity
- Nuclear Reactions
- Interaction of Radiations with Matter
- Particle Accelerators
- Radiation Detectors
- Particle Physics
- Cosmic Rays
- Appendix
(ii) Introduction to Elementary Particles by David J. Griffiths
Plasma Physics
(i) Introduction to Plasma Physics by F. Chen
This book is written by foreign writer and it is most popular book in plasma physics. It is available in PDF format and if you want, you may purchase this book from the amazon site. This is a book for those learning plasma physics for the first time and could care less about the fine points. The basics remain the same, but new areas have arisen: dusty plasmas and plasma accelerators, for instance, and these subjects had to be added.
- Introduction
- Single-Particle Motions
- Plasmas as Fluids
- Waves in Plasmas
- Diffusion and Resistivity
- Equilibrium and Stability
- Kinetic Theory
- Nonlinear Effects
- Special Plasmas
- Plasma Applications
- Appendix
(ii) Fundamentals of Plasma Physics by J. A. Bittencourt
This text is intended as a general introduction to plasma physics and was designed with the main purpose of presenting a comprehensive, logical, and unified treatment of the fundamentals of plasma physics based on statistical kinetic theory. It should be useful primarily for advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students meeting the subject of plasma physics for the first time and presupposes only a basic elementary knowledge of vector analysis, differential equations, and complex variables, as well as courses on classical mechanics and electromagnetic theory beyond sophomore level.
- Introduction
- Charged Particle Motion in Constant and Uniform Electromagnetic Fields
- Charged Particle Motion in Nonuniform Magnetostatic Fields
- Charged Particle Motion in Time-Varying Electromagnetic Fields
- Elements of Plasma Kinetic Theory
- Average Values and Macroscopic Variables
- The Equilibrium State
- Macroscopic Transport Equation
- Macroscopic Equation for a Conducting Fluid
- Plasma Conductivity and Diffusion
- Some Basic Plasma Phenomena
- Simple Application of Magnetohydrodynamics
- The Pinch Effect
- Electromagnetic Waves in free Space
- Magnetohydrodynamics Waves
- Waves in Cold Plasma
- Waves in Warm Plasma
- Waves in Hot Isotropic Plasma
- Waves in Hot Magnetized Plasma
- Particle Interaction in Plasmas
- The Boltzmann and The Fokker-Planck Equation
- Transport Process in Plasmas